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What to expect


Before you come in

Once you've scheduled your first visit with The Haven, you will be sent the appropriate paperwork online. Please let us know if you are expecting, as there is a separate prenatal intake form.

Please be sure to have this paperwork filled out prior to your first visit or it may have to be rescheduled.

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Day One

Your first visit allows us to connect with you and learn about specific concerns or health goals that you may have. After your detailed assessment, we will evaluate how your neuro-spinal system is functioning with our state-of-the-art CLA Insight scanning technology. After the scan, you will receive a comprehensive structural analysis. This gives us a deeper look into neurological compensations your body might be undergoing to adapt to the different stressors placed upon your nervous system. You will also receive your first adjustment at this time. Dr. Hayley will walk you through every part, whether this is your first adjustment ever or chiropractic is already part of your family's wellness routine.


Please allow 30 minutes for this visit!

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Day Two

Dr. Hayley will sit down with your health history, scans and exam findings to determine a plan that best meets your goals. When you return to the office, she will sit down with you to review the details of your initial examination findings. Your specific care plan recommendations will be given to help you reach your health goals. Welcome to the Haven family!

What To Expect: Services

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